Remember, your goal is to read at least 20 minutes a day to build your reading muscles!
How do you read this menu?
- The acronym letters--CAFE, are the goals.
- Comprehension
- Accuracy
- Fluency
- Expand Vocabulary
- The items listed below the letters in each column are the strategies that help us work toward those goals.
- "My goal is (ex. Comprehension), and I'm using the strategy (ex. Check for Understanding) to help me work on that goal."
What do I do with this information at home?
- Strategies are posted to the menu once they have been taught and practiced in the classroom.
- Pick a strategy and ask your child how they can use it to help them become a better reader.
- Ask your child what the current goal/strategy she/he is working on.
- See above for what we want to help your child say.